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This weeks Dinner & A Movie theme was South American! Talk about a real learning experience, I made the Venezuelan take on Guacamole called Guasacaca which was seriously heavenly! Then creating Arepas, which was completely new for me, and failing horribly at my first attempt. After a run back to the Latin supermarket for the correct cornmeal, the dinner turned out to be one of my favorite meals I’ve ever cooked. A side note- I know Pina Coladas are not ‘south american’ fare but do I really need an excuse?

Here’s the magic & how you too can make it:

Arepas (ignore the ‘salad’ part of the recipe)

Fried Sweet Plantains

Lime-Cilantro White Rice (my own recipe!)

Venezuelan Black Beans

Chili-Lime rubbed Chicken (my own recipe!)


Cotija Cheese- freshly grated

Pina Colada

So basically you build each arepa with what ever combination of filling you desire!