To Taddy, with Love

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I’ve always dreamed about going on the road with a classic rock band, photographing the shows, the artists, the tour and late nights. I mean Annie Leibovitz, Mark Seliger and Lynn Goldsmith all spent part of their careers with musicians. For about a year I took my old Hasselblad and my 35mm Pentax camera and rolls of Tri-X400 and photographed the band Taddy Porter around Oklahoma and Texas. We met in Norman, the first time hearing them I felt like it was the 70s and I was Penny Lane. They were magical on stage, inspiring to shoot, and became great friends of mine. Andy, Joe, Doug, Kevin and Scott- thank y’all for the beers, the music, the wonderful conversations, the very long nights… or I should say very early mornings, for giving me the access and getting to be apart of your creative world. I can’t wait to see y’all tomorrow. From Me To You~