It’s Just an Old Sweet Song~

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There are those times when you come across someone’s blog and everything just clicks. You get them right away as if you were old childhood friends growing up next door to each other. That’s how I felt when a few months back when I stumbled upon Amy’s ever charming blog Old Sweet Song. Two things immediately pop in my mind, first driving down the Spanish moss lined lanes of Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah with Ray Charles’s Georgia on Mind playing and second, my affection for anything southern and vintage. I would later come to find out, like me, Amy is a Southern Belle transplanted to the Upper West Side! She got a Kitchenaid for Christmas, I got a Sunbeam! She posts wonderful recipes, art, projects, fashion, and this little series called Blogger Crush. When Amy emailed me that I was her new blogger crush I was so delighted! A charming little interview of fun questions and a different (non-photography) look into my mind which is, I think, an old sweet song.

Thank you Amy for making me feel so lucky to have people like you enjoying my work! I’d be your blogger crush any day and on the to-do list is an Upper West Side blogger meet up!

All images were taken in Savannah, Georgia on FujiFilm Pro400H with my vintage Hasselblad camera