A Cocktail Party in Park Slope

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This weekend the Arments’ (Tiffany & Marco) hosted a Pot-Luck Pictionary Cocktail Party in their beautiful brownstone apartment in Park Slope, Brooklyn and allowed us to gather to celebrate Tiffany’s birthday. It was an impressively stocked bar complete with drink recipe cards and my favorite: a Pomegranate-Champagne Punch (which matched my little pink dress so I was happy) and served above in a depression glass punch bowl set. It was one of the most charming parties from the wonderful people to the great food and fun time was had by all… really, any excuse I have to dress up and carry a vintage clutch is gonna be a good time. Happy Birthday Tiffany!

See more images from the night on my flickr, The Arments’ Party

Q & A: What are the little white puffs with raspberries on top? Mini Pavlovas homemade by Tiffany and delicious! The recipe is posted on her blog, On the Cutting Edge of Yesterday.