Dinner & A Movie

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Texas Beef Chili and Hope Floats

Ok, so I live in New York City but as a natural born citizen of Texas my state pride runs very deep for the Lone Star State so you can imagine my excitement when I got a Texas care package from my Aunt Deb loaded with Texas shaped candies, Texas embroidered dish towels, Texas hot sauce (because we can’t have any of that salsa made in New-York-City!). Also in the box was a package of Texas Chili Seasoning and I knew right away we had to have a Texas themed Dinner & a Movie!.. and wouldn’t I just pick a Texas film where the lead woman plays a Texas photographer… I think I’ve reached my quota on saying Texas in one paragraph. Texas. muhhaa.

  • Beef Chili

by: Whole Foods


  • 2lbs coarse ground beef chuck
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 can spicy black beans
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 1 can tomato paste
  • 1pkg. chili seasoning mix (*I used my Texas chili seasoning sent from Texas by my aunt)
  • 6 jalapenos, chopped
  • 1 pkg. shredded cheear
  • 1 pkg. chipotle bacon, fried and chopped (garnish)
  • *I added 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • *I added and deglaze with a can of beer, how’s that for Texas.
  • *I added a dash of Worcestershire sauce

  • This recipe feeds 8, we halved it and the grocery bill was about $20.

In a skillet, brown ground beef and chopped onion

*I added garlic as well

*then deglaze with some old fashioned cheap beer.

Combine cooked ground beef with remaining ingredients in a large pot.

How cute is my retro crock pot?!!

It’s gettin’ hot in here

Cook on medium heat until chili is heated through (about 1.5 hours). Cook longer for more intense flavor.

Pretty simple right? Sprinkle some cheese and the crisp bacon served with some old fashioned saltine crackers and yee-haw, howdy y’all- the great state of Texas smiles upon you.

Thanks Aunt Deb for all the amazing treasures! I have the best family in the Greatest State, TEXAS!