Whole Foods NYC givaway Winner ~ Dana Marie’s Irish Soda Bread

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We have a WINNER of the Whole Foods Gift Card! I was so excited to use Dana Marie’s Irish Soda Bread recipe because I’ve been dying to make a bread at home and this was so simple! I got to use my grandmother’s cast iron skillet and the colors of the ingredients were so beautiful. Thank you Dana for sharing your wonderful recipe and thank you Whole Foods for this great giveaway!

Dana Marie’s Irish Soda Bread~

4 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder (heaping)
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp caraway seeds 
1 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup (to taste) currants
2 eggs
1/2 cup butter
1 cup (butter)milk

sift flour, baking powder, sugar, salt together
Sprinkle a little over raisins and currants so they don’t stick together
cut in shortening (butter) with pastry cutter
add beaten eggs and milk
then add floured dried fruits
turn onto floured board
mold into round loaf
place on greased pan (preferably a cast iron pan) and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour