Images from a Weekend

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Friday night I had the immense pleasure to attend the SNAP! Out of Winter party thrown by Aperture through the generosity of 20×200’s twitter contest which I won! (Side note, @20×200 & @aperturefnd are great twitters to follow). Below is the CEO of Polaroid speaking and some shots of one of the world’s largest Polaroid cameras which I had to keep reminding myself- DO NOT TOUCH. A few of my photographic idols were among the crowd… the I-came-home-and-flipped-through-their-books kind of idols. It was also a great pleasure meeting some of the nice folks behind 20×200 & Hey, Hot Shot!, so thank y’all for an unforgettable NYC evening.

Saturday- what a Saturday in NYC. It was stunning and all of Manhattan came out to experience it. A picnic in the park, Frisbee, and a search for a budding spring filled my afternoon. Saturday evening I embarked on a 2 hour walk for an art project I’m contributing to called “A Disposable Two Hours”. 

A girl’s gotta eat- My first homemade rosemary bread and my new baby- a pasta maker. Breaking a sweat hand rolling out pasta dough is for the birds.

A visit to Museum of the City of New York to view the illustrations of Charles Addams and some famous lips on view in “A Tale of Two Models”.