A Disposable Two Hours

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I know I can’t go back to Paris in the 40s when artists like Hemingway and Man Ray hung out in cafes all day but it certainly felt that way sitting outside Gallery Espresso in Savannah with friends and new artist acquaintances talking about art and projects. My ears perked up when artist Mary Novack began talking about a new collaboration project she started called A Disposable Two Hours. Once returning to New York I wrote to her saying I would love to be apart of her series and to my great happiness a disposable camera arrived in the mail for me shortly thereafter. The instructions were to set out on a two hour walk- one hour in one direction, then the second hour back and simply observe your surroundings using the disposable camera to capture what you saw. Walking may be a part of every New Yorker’s day but walking for the sake of experiencing the city around you and being aware is something we rarely take time for. You can compare and contrast other people’s contributions to A Disposable Two Hours and read more about the project on Mary’s blogThank you Mary for this experience!

Here is my contribution and observations of two hours in NYC~

My route as sketched out by Kevin~