Hear ye, Hear ye!

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As y’all read this morning in the Wall Street Journal I’m going to be blogging New York Fashion Week! So what does this mean? *cracks knuckles* Here is what to expect From Me To You:

Daily Outfit: What I’m wearing to the tents but with a retro spin to it (come on, who are you talking to here)! Each day’s look is inspired by a style icon… here’s one day’s Icon hint: “I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.”

Street Style: Who is wearing what where as caught running wild on the streets of New York.

*Gear- KODAKProfessional TRI-X 400 Film, remember last season’s NY Fashion Week Retrospective?

Runway: Hot off the press! The gowns, the fashion, the models, the front row. If I can see it, I will shoot it.

Behind the Scenes: Hair and makeup, production crews, what the working scene is like. For example, above image of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal shoot in action from Behind the Scenes.

*Gear- FUJIFILM Instax 210 camera

Events: The parties, awards shows, Conferences, and luncheons with Fashion’s elite. 

The man behind the mask: Tumblr’s Fashion Director Rich Tong and puppeteer to this amazing week of access. Thank you so much Rich! 

So lets curl our lashes, clean our lenses and I’ll see you live at New York Fashion Week!