The Welcome Dinner

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24 bloggers met up at the Gramercy Park Hotel from as far from Australia, the Philippines, London, Arkansas, Texas, CA and much more. 

The video crew who captures Milk Studios Fashion Week is documenting Tumblr’s fashion initiative… having a camera on you all the time is slightly nerve-wracking. I don’t know how reality tv stars do it!

Stylish White Female

Amazing goodie-bags from Jimmy Choo, DKNY, Of A Kind, and Madewell! Thank y’all!

We are all proud owners of Of A Kind’s newest collector’s item Blue Hex Scarf!

P.S.- I made this and her stunning accessory

Dinner at Maialino

Jessica Quirk’s Old Fashioned 

Ashley Simko & Sara Zucker 

David Karp and his new Leica (*drools*) stopped by.

Editors Eva Chen & Susan Cernek from Glamour and Teen Vogue stopped by 

GQ’s Michael Hainey stopped by for a night cap

and had a beautiful watch… and shirt… and suit.

Ella came from Devon, England with one of those ridiculously beautiful accents.

Montserrat Macuer & Sabino Aguad

Introductions have been made, now let’s get down to fashion.