An Artist & Air Force Vet’s Home in Beaufort, NC

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A very sentimental home tour for me — it’s filled with personal memories from my childhood summers growing up visiting our family here on the outer banks. This is the living room my parents were married in, the kitchen I ate my first southern boiled shrimp, shucked oysters and spent hours on the third floor with my brother looking through all the boxes of treasures from eras gone by while ran fell on the tin roof. Summers in a house nestled in a town so peaceful they didn’t have to lock the doors at night. If I close my eyes I can smell the mixture of antiques and french perfume and feel the damp humidity of the south on my skin.

The owners — Laura Piner was an exceptional artist as well as art teacher in the community and founded the Mattie King Davis Art Gallery. Her husband Jim Piner spent 15 years in the US Air Force including a stint in Viet Nam later becoming a highschool teacher and baseball coach. 

The creative vision of this home was not based on trend or example but by an artist’s love of color, pattern and texture as well as a passion for historic preservation.

Welcome to the 1852 coastal home of Laura & Jim Piner.