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Designer Dress GIVEAWAY

A perfect little spring dress up for grabs straight from the designer herself! Sarah is giving away the “Luther” style silk crepe dress! Sizes from 0 to 8 available.

***Update! A winner has been announced! Brooke Taylor Congratulations!***

How to Enter: Leave a comment below telling us which Spring 11 dress you like best! 

Want to increase your chances? Additional ways to enter:

Become friends on Facebook

Follow their twitter

Tweet about the giveaway (make sure to include @EdelweissNYC & @_frommetoyou so we see your tweet!)

Example tweet: “I hope I win this perfect spring dress by @EdelweissNYC from @_frommetoyou’s blog!

Giveaway winner will be announced in 1 week in perfect time for warmer weather!