A Lifesaver

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Between instagram, emails, texting, exit strategy, google maps, uber, and my ‘brain’ (calendar) I live on my phone these days. In the past at NYFW I would have to grab charges from makeup artists backstage until this year when I was introduced to Boostcase. I’m genuinely so happy to have this in my life now. An iPhone case and two extra battery charges all in one means I can be on my phone all day long and still be at 100% when I go to bed at night.

  • I heard about this during FW, and was like damnit, could SOOO use it right now! Instead I stood at the charging stations between shows to get a 2% each time!

  • I’m going to check this out in a nanosecond. I bought a cheap battery pack on Amazon but I drained the second lot of battery within a couple of hours.

  • Molly

    literally buying one as we speak!
    ps – that lip color looks smashing on you.

    molly, http://dreamsinhd.blogspot.com/

  • Courtney

    ring q for you. you opt for engagement on right and band on left? bises

  • Thank you for sharing this with us! This will be a lifesaver for me as well!

  • Виктория Дубовенко

    It is very great device))))


  • Wendy

    Thanks for this – I didn’t know there was such a thing, and I’m trying to get with the technology these days, after having the same phone for 12 years, lol! Always love your images, you live a charmed life!

  • Stacey

    bag is gorgeous. great color. who makes it?

  • such perfectly elegant hands. I wish I was as good in front of the camera as behind it.

  • Denisa

    Really nice hands. And the handbag is great.

  • Can you make a post talking about the makeup products that you use?

  • I’m with Ana on this – your make up looks flawless!



  • jaclyn

    please give us the name of this nail color!!! it’s perfection!

  • Alice Harrison

    Can you please tell me where you purse is from? I’m in love with it!