Apple Pickin’

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[T]here is nothing like a drive on a crisp fall day through beautiful autumn foliage up to an apple orchard. Sometimes life is best at its simplest, and walking through rows of trees looking for that perfect apple to pick and sink your teeth into is one of the best parts of the season. Autumn is absolutely my favorite time of year.



  • Marianne K Casais

    Lovely shots, makes me *so* miss warmer weather!

    Hugs from grey and rainy Norway

    • Oh! I’m posting photos of your Norway next week! I hope I did your country justice!

  • camillaleila

    Fall is usually my favorite time of year too, but this year I’m so looking forward to winter. Of course, I live in San Francisco so my winter is like everyone else’s fall.

  • Isa

    Such beautiful colors! How many pounds did you take home?

    • hahaha, just a small bag full. Mostly I kept eating them right in the orchard!

      • Isa

        Pretty much what always happens. They’re always ridiculously expensive too!

  • Mara S.

    Now I really miss the East Coast! You capture the spirit of autumn and apple picking beautifully.

  • Arzoo Amer

    I remember an old blog post you had when you went apple picking in an orchard too! Absolutely beautiful photographs! And this gets me in such a ‘fall’ mood! Such a great post right before Thanksgiving tomorrow!


    Love the “ladder” ! These photos just made me crave a nice juicy apple! 🙂

  • Brittany

    Love a good apple orchard in the fall 🙂 There’s a local orchard here that makes the best cider & pies! Gorgeous photos!, as always 🙂 xo

  • please take me with you #I_wish

  • simplytatiana

    Vermont has the best apple picking. I would know, I’m from there!

  • Jan’s camera

    Hi Jamie, I adore these photos. Makes me love the autumn. They are lovely.