A Day in Florence

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[W]ith such a beautiful hotel it can only live among a beautiful city. We had one full day to walk this historical city, to see the masterpieces, eat the food, smell the perfumes, and observe the Italian way of life. I fell in love with this place – the light illuminating the golds and greens of the landscape were exactly what I dreamed Tuscany to be. I look forward to our return, and many thanks to the St. Regis Hotels & Resorts for taking me along on a magical Grand Tourista…




  • Oh, how I want to escape to this dream-like place…

  • Rose Fern

    Looking at your photos the feeling of walking the streets come back to me in the most intense way. It was so beautiful in daytime as well as night time! I, too, want to return to Firenze. I haven’t travelled a lot, but it’s the most romantic city (with a mix of medieval mystery especially in the alleys) I’ve been so far!Thanks for sharing your photos. Some I have taken exactly the same or very similar views, however of a bad quality!

    • So glad I could take you back if only for a moment… Thanks for your beautiful comment.

  • Arzoo Amer

    What a magical city! The photograph of you and Kevin together is one of my favorites of the two of you since your wedding! Your trip must have been a dream!

  • The couple on the bicycles….so romantic!! I imagine you and Kevin to do the same some day!

  • Isa

    You really take SUCH beautiful photos! And Kevin has awesome sweaters.


  • Christine

    My favorite city in Italy. Don’t know if you happened to notice, but in the next to last photo, the one of your husband on the rainy street, one of Clet Abraham’s street signs is featured in the background. You never know where you will spot one of his signs.

  • downwithfun

    What did Jamie wear on the night out?

  • thanks to your beautiful photos i feel as if i too was able to go to florence.
    absolutely lovely!

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  • Absolutely gorgeous! It looks like you’ve taken these photos with different cameras? May I ask which ones you’ve used? 🙂

    • Mostly for these as 5D Mark II and a old pentax film camera 🙂

      • Lou

        Hey Jamie, is that a Pentax M42 Spotmatic F you are using??? just wondering, Lou,

  • Madison

    What camera did you use to snap that pic of Kevin in the white sweater and blue scarf? Such beautiful imagery!

  • Melissa Jemmett

    Beautiful photos – I especially love the one of the couple standing on the steps in black and white. Such a romantic mood!

  • love Florence dearly. beautiful shots.

  • Mel A. Anie

    Jamie, I love your pictures and the perspectives you use to take the pictures and tell the story!! Really inspires me! Thank you 🙂

  • I used to live in this vibrant city. My street was Via Alfani and my flat was just blocks from the Duomo. I have been meaning to go back, but now I have your magnificent photos to tide me over. So romantic!


  • lerish

    amazing pics! i missed these.

  • carissainez

    beautiful. your photos are timeless. i keep coming back to your archive


  • Ellie Liao

    Absolutely stunning pictures!! I realized the 200 pictures I took when I in Florence look like crap 🙁

  • Bob

    I really – really like your beautiful pictures – very inspiring.

  • murphmeister

    what a wonderful post! makes me so excited to visit Florence next month!

  • Lou

    Hey Jamie, is that a Pentax M42 Spotmatic F you are using??? just wondering, Lou,