Cannes Diary with Chopard

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Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck

We arrive and live in the moment.

The day started out beautifully. Up on that Chopard terrace in the sky, we had a light lunch around conversations between Harvey Weinstein and Colin Firth while the radiant and idol worthy Livia Giuggioli, Mr. Firth’s wife, chatted with Caroline Scheufele about Chopard’s newest collection of “Green Carpet Jewelry“, which is 100% eco-friendly and mined in a sustainable fashion. This makes Chopard the first high jewelry brand to bring about a conscious change from start to finish! Being the glamorous company that Chopard is, the dazzling site of celebrities poured in to show their support for the initiative and see the first few pieces on display. Caroline talked about how the aesthetic was inspired by the delicacy of lace, something I found so poetic – a contrast between classic design and a new future.

After lunch we took a little stroll though the narrow streets of Cannes, peering in shop windows, dreaming of all the lovely French things we could bring home and popping into Petit Bateau to find gifts for our much anticipated niece and nephew due this June. There is something so fun and thrilling about collecting treasures from around the world to share with two little humans who aren’t even here yet. All these plans and dreams – in my imagination I’ve already had so many conversations with them. It’s amazing how connected we can be and what we can carry within us.

Then it was time. Wearing the most delicate Chopard diamond earrings, I slipped into white column Donna Karan gown that made me feel like a true Greek goddess. I felt radiant that night, beautiful and happy. To experience something so grand as the red carpet in Cannes was beyond thrilling. The line of black cars, the deep crowds of people all trying to get a peek at someone famous, the screams of excitement, the photographers yelling “Over here! One more! Over here!”, and of course, that beautiful red carpet. Arrivals are all timed so the cast and directors walk last into the theatre where the room erupts into applause. Attending a premiere, being able to watch the film with all the people who gave so much of their time, talent, and vision to create, was unforgettable. At dinner afterward, Kevin and I discussed how inspired we were. Everyone was there in celebration of art. Everyone was focused on the same thing and it wasn’t about us, it was about the people who created and about what they created. We were privileged enough to see Le Passé “The Past” by director Asghar Farhadi and as the credits rolled, tears streamed down the young actress Pauline Burlet’s face as the audience rose to its feet in the longest standing ovation I have ever witnessed. It was moving.

There are a few moments in the mirage of life that are really a time and place that stick with you, that stand strong in your memories. Our wedding, the first cinemagraph, my first photo shoot when I was a child, seeing the David with my own eyes, the raw roar of a lion, the color of the ocean in the Caribbean, my Grandmother’s potato soup and now this… attending Cannes.


Window shopping in my suede Elie Tahari “Emily Dress” and Kevin in his Elie Tahari linen jacket. 

Kevin Burg & Jamie Beck

Red Carpet imagery courtesy of Chopard

Special thanks to Donna Karan for dressing me.

See the other days here: dinner with the Gatsby creators and lunch in paradise!

  • Like a Greek Goddess!

  • Vickie Simons

    gorgeous photos – Cannes is so beautiful & the two of you look wonderful 🙂

  • Anastasia

    What a charming couple! Absolutely stunning your dress! 🙂

  • You both look stunning! More elegant and lovely than the movie stars.

  • candace

    jamie!!! your absolutely gorgeous. you bring a timeless elegance that i miss seeing in women. again thank you to you and Kevin for sharing your experience. it helps to move my work day along.
    your fan in houston, tx

  • CiaoChessa

    I love the way you describe this experience and your photos (as always) bring your words to life. They each stand out on their own but together they really weave such a wonderful story. Congratulations on the arrival of your new niece and nephew. Being an aunt to my nieces and nephew is the most rewarding experience I could ever imagine (and then nevermind when I had my own and I felt like my heart would truly explode from love) – but seeing your sibling as a parent is like meeting them for the first time. It’s truly the best.

    I love how you describe these truly unforgettable moments in life that are forever etched in your mind. I can relate in the sense that sometimes events leave such a mark that they form who we become – they aren’t just simply memories but they make us the people we are.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  • Love, love, love this post and your words in it just as much as the photographs! And congratulations on the new upcoming additions to your family.. what a joy! It’s wonderful to be able to collect and add on to those significant memories and moments and to know that there is so much more to look forward to in the coming years… I’m glad that Cannes was everything you dreamed it to be and more! Thank you as always for sharing. <3

  • Svetlana Vasylyeva

    You both look just gorgeous, so elegant and sophisticated. My compliments to your eye of a photographer, beautiful pictures, very very beautiful….the portraits of the stars are so much better then we see the most of the times in media. Vivid portraits with so much character and beauty! Thank you for sharing!

  • Perfect! I love it!

  • Hannes Uys

    Beautiful set of images – I feel inspired by it.

    Hannes Uys (