The First Day of Marriage

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[I] wish I could go back. Not to the wedding day, though it was perfect and lovely, but to the morning after… Day 1 of being married. I loved this day. The way the air still smelled of wedding cake, the way the flowers looked so soft and began releasing their petals, the complete calmness that filled the room. Everything was still fresh and new, every memory of the day before so sharp and crisp. We sat at breakfast and talked through every last detail. What were your favorite hors d’oeuvres? How beautiful was the light?  What did you think when you first saw me? Oh my, wasn’t our cake delicious? I want to eat it again right now… would that be bad luck?

I couldn’t sleep that morning. My groom who was now my husband slept peacefully. I watched the city wake up out of our suite in the Carlyle Hotel. I looked at all the details, the evidence a wedding had ascended upon us. I touched the flowers, I held the lace, I smiled at the half filled champagne flutes scattered about. I felt that innocent, youthful joy, I basked in the glow of newness and I dreamed of all the adventures ahead.

“But Zelda, what wouldn’t you give to go back to the beginning, to be those people again, the future so fresh and promising that it seems impossible not to get it right?”

Recently celebrating our one year anniversary, we were looking back at our wedding pictures and I was reminded of this day and  these photographs I made so that I could go back to this time for the rest of time and remember that sweetness of our first day as husband and wife ~


The Wedding / The ReceptionMaking of our Wedding Attire