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There’s something magical and mystical about sisterhood…an indescribable bond forged by late night secrets, sharing dreams, and unconditional love and support. Sisters share a beautiful, sublime understanding and strength.

What better way to celebrate sisterhood than make dreamy, romantic pictures with the incredible sister duo behind Dannijo? Danielle and Jodie Snyder, pictured here in twenties-inspired pastel Armani, have been creative cohorts since they were young, but in the last five years have created a jewelry making business that has soared among celebs and citizens alike. It’s easy to see how sisterhood plays into their success: they clearly value each other and are incredibly close…they even live in apartments one floor apart!

Growing up, I always wished for a sister – someone with whom I could share secrets and giggles late into the night, someone upon whom I could lean when times got tough,  someone who could see the dreams I had and help me build them into reality. In the last few years, life has given me the closest thing – my great friend and collaborator, Kelly Framel. Never before had I met someone whose ideas and dreams so closely aligned with my own, and who wanted to stay up late, laughing, drinking champagne, and planning for our future achievements. Kelly has become the sister I never had.

After all, remember, sisters make the best friends in the world.

Danielle & Jodie Snyder, founders of DANNIJO, Photographed in Amagansett, NY August 2013 / Styled by Kelly Framel / Hair & Makeup by Ana Sicat  / Location & Props Zach Lynd

Remember what we shot LAST SUMMER? and more from our love affair with photographing SISTERS

  • cocoandcowe

    What beautiful photos and words! Calling my sister right now!

  • Rosie

    Gorgeous photos!
    The first and last image had an especially Gatsby/1920’s feel to them. Not the glitzy Luhrmann version, the Fitzgerald one that was raw and genuine.

    • Thank you for that. I just finished a book about Zelda Fitzgerald so perhaps I was channeling their story a bit through my lens.

  • When the two of you collaborate, magic happens: time and time again. Like you, I longed for a sister (still do). I have a baby brother (well, he is 22 so not really a baby anymore) and I adore him but I can’t help but think how things would be if we also shared a sister. I have great girlfriends who are like family to me, but I have yet to make that girlfriend whom I have so much in common with that we can’t stop talking no matter how often we see one another…

  • Tarragona IN

    Thank you for your post. It has been beautiful to see your pictures but also for your words 🙂

  • Marietta

    Those outfits are BEAUTIFUL! I wish women still dressed like this. You are very talented in photography, as well!


  • Jess

    Absolutely gorgeous.