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His journey began, as with many of us, with his mother. “She was high society, extremely elegant,” says creative director Josep Font. “So I was always around that type of dressing, style, and garments.”

However, when he told his father of his love of fashion, he replied, “What? That’s not a profession!” Font then chose to study architecture to appease his father. Near the end of his studies, he began designing on the side, sketching for his own enjoyment.

From there, things happened quite quickly – first sketches, then learning how to work with fabrics, winning awards and moving to Paris, followed by debuting his first collection as the head of the Spanish fashion house DELPOZO in Madrid three seasons ago with his New York Fashion Week debut  just this past February.

DELPOZO began as the atelier of designer Jesús del Pozo in 1974 Madrid – built in the midst of “Movida”, both an economic upturn and the emergence of a new Spanish identity. While del Pozo was a driving force of this movement, his collections continue to thrive due to his dedication to luxury, creativity, and quality craftsmanship.

Now up for their second Fashion Week go-round, the DELPOZO team is more than prepared to live up to their founder’s values. Presenting Font’s second collection, one that is completely handcrafted and beautifully detailed, there’s no doubt that it will be a remarkable milestone on the journey of DELPOZO.

So much work goes into the production of a fashion show, here’s a peek at DELPOZO preparing for their day tomorrow at New York Fashion week…through hair and makeup tests, crews setting up the environment, and PR girls tweaking the seating charts, we know it will be a great show…

and you know how much we love DELPOZO here at Ann Street Studio!



When you walk into the room your first impression is the wonderful natural bouquet from grand archways filling the white industrial space. These garland beams took weeks to construct in order to hold all the ivy, boxwood, moss and other live foliage of spring for their models to glide under.

The fabric that makes the chair cushions was designed by the team at DELPOZO and dyed to match this season’s collection. No detail is ever overlooked, as they say… it’s always in the details.

Before every fashion show, designers have a hair and makeup test for the vision of what will walk down the runway and ultimately finish the look, completing the story the designer is trying to tell.

Working with Moroccan Oil and Antonio Corral Calero for this spring season’s Delpozo look, in a thick Spanish accent Antonio told me just what the inspiration was:

“Delpozo is a woman that is quite simple, in this case what we’re trying to do is play a bit with the volume. It’s simplicity, it’s effortless, it’s healthy looking hair but playing with that volume that creates somehow a fake bob. It’s a soft accessory that we’re going for. The clothing is so high end and luxurious looking, we wanted to keep the hair quite simple.”

Using only two Moroccan Oil products because “we want to inspire the consumer so we are not going to use 100 products to achieve that look”, they added Moroccan Oil Treatment to the model and began to flat iron the hair.

It’s followed by soft teasing throughout the body of the hair and adding a small pony tail at the base to be the support for the overall effect.

Gently combing the outside of the hair back into a voluminous but smooth style, spraying with Moroccan Oil Luminous Hairspray

The next step is gathering the hair into a low pony over the small base that was created and securing it with an elastic

Next, pushing the large pony tail up over the smaller base pony to create the volume and fake bob the designer was going for and securing it with bobby pins to hold in place.

Use your fingers to round out the hair…

Finishing with one last dusting of Moroccan Oil Luminous Hairspray.

For the makeup Delpozo is working with MAC cosmetics and Monica Marmo to achieve the painterly look. On inspiration:

“The color this year, we decided for the eyes a yellow and a special lavender blue. The focus is in the eyes and after is the transparency and freshness. The Delpozo woman is a fresh and delicate woman, always the same.”

She starts with a transparent base just in trouble areas, under the eyes, or spots leaving as much natural color as possible. After a light dusting of powder they begin the statement eyes of the season.

Using a lavender blue MAC cream based eye shadow across the lid like a painting and finishing with a yellow pencil on the under eyelid

The next step is a cream blush in pink on the apples of the cheeks.


Keeping it fresh like designer Josep likes, “We never use mascara. We brush the eyebrows and finish by using a neutral lip color by MAC so the lips are simple like the face and you focus on the eyes. It’s all about the eyes.”

Once finished Delpozo’s designer Josep Font tweaks the finishing touches with the artists.


Here’s looking forward to Sunday’s show!