Casablanca Valley

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So vino a Chile y no toms vino a que vino ~ If you came to Chile and you didn’t have wine, why did you come to Chile

Part of our #onlyinsouthamerica tour of Chile was to show us the different landscapes this country has to offer. Considering Chile has nearly 4,000 miles of coast, covers a range of heights from sea level to 22,615 feet, and, from tip to tip, goes from tropics to near the Antarctic Circle, it is a place that holds all types of geological systems. The Casablanca Valley just outside Santiago felt just like visiting Napa Valley on our honeymoon…the beautiful tall Italian cypress trees lining hill tops and long driveways, the scenic vistas with avocado, olive, and grape plantations  out the window of our vehicle as we made our way to tour two Chilean wineries: Kingston & Casa Marin where we had lunch at the top of the vineyard hill with the Pacific Ocean just off the horizon line.

Kingston Winery~

From gold-hunting to cattle farming, the Kingston family has been in the Casablanca Valley for over 100 years. Surprisingly, their now award-winning winery is their newest venture. Started in the 1990s with a daring new business plan – growing cool-climate red grapes in a region known for white wines – their vineyard became known for creating some of the “best pinots in Chile”. Cows still graze in the fields, and gold is still buried underground…but dreams came true through grapevines.

After we took our tour of this intimate, quaint, quiet, and breathtakingly beautiful winery we went to their porch overlooking the vineyard and sampled the award winning wines with some local cheeses and their homemade olive oil which was SO GOOD I had to bring some back with me!

Casa Marin ~

María Luz Marín had a dream – to create a unique winery with delectable and exclusive wines. Despite people telling her she’d never be able to grow grapes, she established her vineyard in a small town in the San Antonio Valley. Now, many awards later, her critics have been silenced, and Chilean wines have been brought to the world’s attention.

We found ourselves at the end of the tour on top of hill covered in rows of vines overlooking the entire property with the faintest view of the pacific ocean on the horizon, covered by the thick fog rolling in. It was so peaceful, the only sound was that of my shoes on the earth, marking my path down the lanes caressing the leaves that will bear the fruit of a cabinet savion. The whole scene was out of the movie A Walk in the Clouds….

PS – there is a two bedroom B&B house you can rent here for a true wine getaway!


  • a note on style

    I can’t get over how beautiful every photograph you post is! I am always transported to another world reading your blog. I have no photography talent but certainly appreciate yours. Wow! Enjoying immensely!

  • medicenvivi

    your photos are so inspiring! so beautiful I love all of them!
    thank you for posting 🙂
    besitos desde mexico!

  • i am putting this on the honeymoon list for sure.

  • gorgeous!!

  • A Key to the Armoire

    Gorgeous pictures, Jamie! Your Spanish quote at the beginning should read “Si vino a Chile y no toma vino, ¿a qué vino?” I think probably spell-check took over when you typed it! Happens to me all the time with the Spanish section of my blog! LOL! 🙂


    • Tarragona IN

      You have made a mistake “Si vino a Chile y no tomó vino ¿a qué vino?”

      • A Key to the Armoire

        Actually, I’ve heard the Spanish version my way, but I now see that Jamie put the English translation in the past tense, so you’re right! it should be “tomó” with an accent on her quote. 🙂

  • Tarragona IN

    It’s incredible how is the Earth. Here in Spain we have collected the grapes and in Chile they are starting to born.

  • Anastasia

    Oh wine….

    Captain Renault: Oh no, Emil, please. A bottle of your best champagne, and put it on my bill.
    Emil: Very well, sir.
    Victor Laszlo: Captain, please…
    Captain Renault: Oh, please, monsieur. It is a little game we play. They put it on the bill, I tear up the bill. It is very convenient.

    Casablanca (1942)

  • Rebekah Zale

    I’m excited to see your impressions of Valpo.

  • Wow, those flowers’ purple hue is so intense! Bread + olive oil, such a winning combination ♥ I’m adding “A walk in the clouds” on my ‘To watch’ list! Thank you for sharing those wonderful landscapes, it indeed looks peaceful! -F, your loyal Belgian admirateur

  • Kingston Family Vineyards

    On behalf of all of us here at Kingston Family Vineyards, we thank you for your visit, post, and stunning pictures of our winery. We hope to see you back on the Farm soon!