Helen’s Guide to Charleston

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The best recommendation is by word of mouth…

So yesterday we chatted with Helen about her life, business, and home as part of a very special series on inspiring women across the United States in partnership with Pandora…but today she’s taking us on the town! She gave us a list of her Charleston favorites – “I’m listing a lot of food because it’s so good!” – and we headed out to see what Charleston, South Carolina was all about…


First I made her take me to her pop-up shop, Pretend Store, where we chatted with the current designer in house, Proud Mary’s Harper Poe.

“We used to have our office in the little building that is now Pretend Store. We bought the building and renovated it a few years ago and when it was time to move out we didn’t know what we wanted to do with it so Pretend Store happened. It started as a way to bide our time while we figured out then longer plan for the building and turned into a way for us to connect with people that we’ve kind of had design crushes on. We rent the building to each participant for the month and then they do with it whatever they want. It’s been really fun seeing the space transformed time and time again. “




Above: Jumper by In God We Trust / shoes by No.6 / peacestrengthbalanceprosperitylove, and positivity charms by Pandora Jewelry

Then we stopped by a few of Helen’s favorites:

Sugar Bake Shop, because really, who can resist such delectable sweets?

“The natural environment is so beautiful here. The best way to experience Charleston is on foot or by bike.”

Worthwhile, a store with all sorts of incredible knick-knacks, designer clothing, and home accessories… by the time I was done shopping I wanted to live in this store!

The rest of Helen’s favorites list:

Two Boroughs Larder 

The Ordinary

Xiao Bao Biscuit

The Rarebit

Hominy Grill

Brown’s Court Bakery

Indigo and Cotton

The Aquarium 

Middleton Place

+ Any plantation, park, beach or forest

What are you favorite places in Charleston?! Leave a comment and let me know, I’d love to add them to my growing list!