Jason Wu

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New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection

Powerful and sleek, the Jason Wu woman doesn’t walk down the runway – she owns it.

In a muted palette of blacks, beiges, and burgundies, she is Katharine Hepburn meets Sharon Stone, she is 90s heroin chic meets CEOs. You watch as luxury is visually defined via the ripple of plum velvet over her legs as she walks right by you. She borrows her husband’s oversize coat and pairs it with her slinky, sexy second skin of a gown. You watch in awe as she passes by, head held high.

Whoever this woman is, you can’t afford her…because she’s above your paygrade.

New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection  New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection

New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection

New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection

New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection New York fashion designer Jason Wu shows his fall / winter 2014 collection

  • So chic! Love the jackets and that strapless top/pant combination this season!

  • My favorite so far!! Loved the backless dresses =)

  • Chris

    I suppose the rippling of some of the skirts is intentional, but all I think is static cling – not a good look.

  • CW

    A lovely collection (I loved the color palette), and beautiful photos, as always! It’s great to see these collections from different angles after looking at the more standard shots. But I do think it’s long past time that “heroin chic” be retired as a descriptor in the fashion world…