The Streets of New York

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If you’re ever looking for a good time, walk with Lucky Magazine’s Market Editor Laurel Pantin down Canal Street in head-to-toe Chanel and listen to the guys try to sell the fakes to the girl in real. I have been wanting to shoot Laurel in a fashion story for almost 2 years now. Though we bonded over our Texas roots (she is from Austin), our paths to fashion were quite different. Studying Art History and writing from NYU, she originally wanted to be a scientist who never touched the idea of fashion when a twist of fate led her to a chance meeting and into the Condé Nast building. I love running into her at events or fashion shows just to see what she’s wearing…and though she is a constant subject of street style photographers, she always stays true to her own personal look, be it wearing men’s jumpsuitssocks + sandals, or looking like the subject of a 90s rom-com…. oh, and she kills a red lip. Aside from all these god-you’re-so-cool traits, Laurel is super down to earth fun, a major tomboy and between her and her bestie John Januzzi, has the best cynical sense of humor in the industry… to give you a good idea of just how cool she is, in the middle of this shoot she said, “I guess I shouldn’t have drank that entire bottle of Champagne yesterday.”

I did a quick little interview on Laurel’s favorite things about New York while we walked the street in head to toe Chanel Spring / Summer 2014 collection….


Chanel to me is…

the thing that makes you feel like the most special, beautiful, luxurious, pampered, ridiculous, frivolous, wonderful girl in the history of girls.


Favorite trait of New Yorkers is…

the ability to act like nothing fazes them while secretly freaking out.


Best pizza…
ALL THE PIZZA!!! But if I had to choose, maybe Motorino.

Best coffee…

…flavored ice cream? Blue Bell from Texas. I don’t think I understand what is good coffee and what is bad coffee. Like pizza, all coffee is good coffee!



Favorite fashion store?
eBay forever for everything for always!


Favorite restaurant?
Sant Ambroeus and Daddy-O and Mexicana Mama.


Best brunch?
Anything eaten while still in bed. Preferably poached eggs, smoked salmon. Messy and delicious and decadent!


Cabs, Uber, subway, bus, or walk?
Walk! I try and walk to or from work at least one way every day.


Favorite spot for fashion inspiration?
The Southwest.

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Shhhhh… favorite New York secret?
Temple Bar on Lafayette – it’s straight out of Twin Peaks. I love it. Order a Lower Manhattan but BE CAREFUL or you will be hammered.


Best street walking shoes?
Adidas SambasNike Air Max’s or Birkenstocks.


Saturday in New York I…
Read in bed, eat something with a poached egg on it, and walk around the galleries in Chelsea in the sunshine. Then have drinks outside at sunset and go out to dinner with a bunch of friends. Pretty corny!


Fashion is…
not meant to be taken too seriously.

Women are…
All babes. All of us are brilliant magic babes.


Favorite movie theatre?
The one in Battery Park! It feels like you’re in a mall.


Favorite cocktail?

Bulleit on the rocks, or Siete Leguas on the rocks. Also there’s a passionfruit chili scotch drink at Perry St. that is insane. I could drink ten thousand of them. But also a Bloody Mary from Daddy-O or Back 40, which I have had ten thousand of.


The reason I moved to New York is…

I hate spacious apartments and disposable income. JK. I always, always wanted to live in New York! There’s everything and so much of it.


The reason I stay in New York is…

I’m not ready to have my goat farm yet. Also my friends, and my job. Sometimes I can’t believe that this really is my life.


Dream neighborhood?
A ranch house in New Mexico with a bunch of goats and dogs.


 Laurel on the web: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr / Lucky / Keep

All clothing and accessories by Chanel Spring Summer 2014 // Styled by Laurel Pantin // Makeup by Jennifer Nam // Hair by Andreas Schönagel