Giveaway! $25 Whole Foods Gift Card!

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Whole Foods NYC is giving away a $25 gift card, From Me To You!

People pass down many things in families from photographs to heirlooms. What I want to know is, what is your best family recipe? Is it passed down from 7 generations? Is it something you make for your kids? A holiday drink recipe that wouldn’t be a proper family function without it? Or are you like me and have the recipe to a meal your grandmother fixed you growing up? If you don’t have a family recipe to share it could also be one of your own recipes you hope to one day pass down.

I shared my recipe with y’all, now I want you to share yours with me! Tell me a little background or story about your family recipe and post it along with the instructions in the comments below! I will select one recipe, make their dish, photograph it and post it here in one week to announce the winner who will receive a $25 Whole Foods gift card to any NYC location!

If you don’t win this round, follow Whole Foods NYC twitter (@wholefoodsnyc) as they have “Twitter Thursday” contests and give away $25 gift cards! I won once and here is how I spent the money honey!

The winner will be able to pick up the $25 gift card at any Whole Foods location in NYC that they specify.

This is my Grandma’s recipe book, what’s in yours?…