Mr. Manhattan

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One of my favorite records is the soundtrack to Woody Allen’s classic black and white film Manhattan, with the epic Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. Sometimes when I walk the streets of New York I’ll listen to this song and watch the city pace to it’s beat. I don’t believe a place has ever been captured more accurately than though those musical notes. James Nord and I recreated George Gershwin in front of his 33 Riverside Drive penthouse where his rooftop parties started an era of glamor in the Jazz Age. Maybe this is what it was like to meet Mr. Gershwin on the streets in his Manhattan. 

Images were shot on two film cameras, Hasselblad 500C and a Toyo View Camera with Kodak Tri-X 400 film

For James, Happy Birthday and thank you ever so…

  • eccola, la lei

    What a trip, I grew up in this building and never knew that George Gershwin lived there 🙂