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I’m giving away a copy of Brewing up a Business signed by Dogfish Head founder and author Sam Calagione!

How to enter: Leave a comment and let me know what business person inspires you!

People ask me all the time for advice on being a photographer and running my own business. One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to find people you admire and read about how they made their way and the lessons they learned which you can apply to your own outlook. It’s no secret my affinity for Dogfish Head Craft Beer and that it’s founder Sam Calagione is someone I highly admire so reading about his road to success was not only insightful but inspiring.

“Understanding the lengths others went to on the road to success, and the goals they were able to achieve, can help you maintain your perspective on all that is possible from a single individual, and how much it takes to achieve the goals that are most worth achieving.” -excerpt from Brewing up a Business

  • Looks like this was posted over a year ago, but I noticed no one had even entered to win the book!

    I’m really inspired by brewers like Sam. One of my local brewers, Geoff Logan of the Williamsburg AleWerks, is always an interesting guy to talk to. Brewers like Geoff and Sam have a staggering amount of responsibilities outside of brewing the actual beer — compliance, safety, budgets, inventory, distribution, legal obligations, and R&D to name a few. The fact that they do this, and love it, is amazing and has inspired me to start homebrewing. I’ve got about 10 batches under my belt now and I’m constantly learning. If Sam and Geoff can do it, so can I!

    • Hey Chuck – sorry for the confusion, we migrated content recently and the original comments for this page are gone, so the giveaway is over. We still highly recommend the book though, it’s a great read for beer and business.