Storyboarding Lincoln

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[H]ere at the studio, there’s a lot more that goes on than just the magic of capturing life through camera lenses. The meetings, creative brainstorming, contracts, preproduction, shooting, social media, and post production are stages we are constantly rotating through. This past weekend, we have been preparing for part one of a two day shoot with the latest model from The Lincoln Motor Company, being shown to the press for the first time today. I can’t say exactly what we are up to just yet, and since we usually tell the story of behind the scenes, I thought it would be cool to give you a little glimpse into the details that goes into the PRE-production, before the cameras begin to roll.

Typically on projects where we need to communicate visuals with a client, to tell them  how we see the images and story flowing in our heads, Kevin sketches out our ideas scene by scene, in this case, for storyboarding Lincoln. This allows for every moment to be accounted for, every scene to be looked at and studied for prop needs, lighting diagrams, and lens choice in order to achieve the desired effect. These storyboards also provide an organized shot list for the day because when you get going with a million moving pieces and crew it’s easy to forget some of the details you had previously envisioned.

Last year we told the story of Lincoln throughout time and this year we fast forward to modern day… and a whole new world.

Come back next Wednesday to see how the storyboards come to life!… 

  • Pretty exciting stuff and so much hard work, thank you for sharing all aspects of the process with us as always! I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that Kevin can crank out pretty amazing sketches for the storyboards! 😉 Last year’s photos were incredible so I can’t wait to see the new take and new reveal with Lincoln!

  • kelanie

    Do you guys offer internships for college students? 🙂

  • another creative project is on the way! 🙂

  • Can’t wait to see it! I know it’s going to be AMAZING!

  • AEKK

    Creative project! Looking forward to see it!

  • Tarragona IN

    Thank you for reminding us that there is a lot of work before shooting. Sometimes we think it’s very easy, but there is a huge work behind the scene