We’re Going to Miami

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Baby, it’s cold outside! Let’s reminisce about warmer days, shall we…

This past December, Kevin and I popped down to Miami’s Art Basel to see what is new in the contemporary art scene. As you know we have been stopping into artist’s studios here in New York, so it was fun to see their work out of the studio, out where the public could see it and in some cases even touch it.

Aside from the main event, we also stopped into NADA where I fell in love with this artist, then on to an art drive-through complete with roller skating girls, played some FAILE video games with the guys,  and fell in love with Tracey Emin’s work at MOCA.

At the end of each day we’d head back to the historic Biltmore Hotel, where I’d fall asleep every night dreaming of distant jazz-age lawn parties that used to fill the grounds…

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Below, artist Chuck Close‘s work with Woodburytype which I found fascinating…  

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Above, feeling like a mermaid in my Rachel Comey dress

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See the artist studio tours here, and join me on all my travels here