Emily Ratajkowski for REVOLVE Clothing

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There is nobody hotter right now than Emily Ratajkowski, which made her a perfect fit to be the face of REVOLVE‘s new makeover of their trendy fashion shopping site. We flew out to L.A. this past January to shoot a Cinemagraph of her for REVOLVE at MILK Studios.

As a photographer and someone who does not play by the 9-to-5 rules you never know when you’re going to get a call like this, an aspect of the job I love. One minute we are out in the country and two days later, we’re on the West Coast for only 24 hours, jumping on airplanes, walking onto sets or locations you cannot anticipate and being challenged to create something in 30 minutes or less. Of course it can sometimes make planning family vacations tricky and I’ve had to cancel many dates with friends last minute, but that’s what happens when you love what you do.

Sometimes you have complete control of the shoot and vision but other times, the vision has parameters within the client’s needs. We were given our subject, a white studio, one light and very little time. I asked to see the new website design and drew inspiration for our cinemagraph off the cleanness, simplicity, contrast and above all youthful cool vibe of REVOLVE’s new look.

We all know Emily is major sexy so I wanted to hint at that with an open leather jacket on bare skin but I also wanted her to have a relaxed James Dean coolness. We propped her up against the studio cyclorama, I framed her in a landscape pose to fill the hero spot of the website design, and had her move around a bit until she started naturally playing with her ripped up jeans and then a gaze to the camera and we were done.

I want to be that cool, that confident, that sexy, that girl… just like REVOLVE is making possible.


  • I swear I think you and Kevin can film an entire movie in these cinemagraphs. They get better and better every single time! x

  • This is just so cool!

    Vanessa* Everyday Embellished

  • Dana Rose

    Sexy and simple but still mysterious…Love it.

    P.S. I just got accepted into FITs photography program. So I wanted to say thank you for being a positive role model by your talent alone. Your work inspired me to follow what makes me happy and thats exactly what I have been doing for the past year. Grazie!

    • Oh this makes me so happy to read! I’m so excited for you and proud of you for following your dreams 🙂 Welcome to New York! 🙂

  • Tarragona IN

    It’s funny, while I was reading what you wrote, I noticed someone was blinking, and I stopped and I see how the picture was moving ahahaha Great special effect!!!!

  • Rebekah Zale

    I think this one might be too overtly sexual instead of walking that fine line between classic beauty and sexy confidence. We all know this woman is the most beautiful woman on Earth right now, and we´ve all seen her practically naked on the internet. I guess I expected you guys to take it a step back and showcase her with less emphasis on the SEX of her personal brand.

  • mywhiteT

    Gorgeous girl, love that jacket on her. mywhiteT

  • Just wanted to stop in and say I am a huge fan of your work. I added some of your cinemagraphs to our database with a link back citing you ofcourse! http://gifavs.com/gifs/tagged/Anna+Street