“Fly the ocean in a silver plane…”

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An old propeller plane seen from the ground in South Africa.“…see the jungle when it’s wet with rain…”

[A]s I write this, I am somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and the United States. I always request a window seat because you never know when you’re going to get that perfect shot of the sun rising over South America or see a distant thunderstorm illuminate the horizon on your descent into Singapore. I was just lost in thought gazing out the window and thinking about how flying’s magic is not lost on me. The fact that you can close your eyes in New York and wake up in a world you’ve only dreamed of in what seems like minutes still leaves me in childlike wonder.

I ponder sometimes if the pace of our distances allows us more or less? What would Darwin have accomplished in the era of air travel? Part of being a freelancer is never knowing which way the current will take you nor how hard the undertow will be but I feel so incredibly lucky to have seen so much of the world through my lens. I haven’t yet figured out what the ultimate influence will be on my life’s work of all the lands I’ve seen, and to be honest I am still exploring…it’s true what they say: “The more I travel, the less I know.”

A view of New York City from above the clouds.Cover image originally from HERE

Second image is flying out from New York


  • Tarragona IN

    How true you are. Never stop traveling, you’ll always learn something new. It doesn’t matter where you go near or far from your home. What is important is how open mind you are, without prejudice.

    • That’s been something I’ve really learned to be more open about is different religions, ways of life, ways of thinking through my experiences with other people and cultures. How boring if we were all the same. The beauty is in the differences. Because of that my tolerance has changed so much.

  • Leith Mahoney-Maver

    I don’t know why but I had never heard that “the more I travel, the less I know” quote before but that is so incredibly fitting. I learned so much even from my recent trip to Chicago about how different American cities can feel. So much out there to explore!


  • I’ve just discovered your blog and I have finally found someone who I can get behind. I’ve recently started a blog of my own, and struggled to realise what I actually wanted to write about, worrying that people only care about fashion and beauty blogs. I mean, I care about some of that stuff, but a lot of other things too.

    I love the way you write, what you write about, and i especially love that quote. happy travelling! x

  • Svenja

    I have to say, that you take really amazing pictures!! And it´s true: The more you travel and the more you see, the less you understand the world, because there are so many things you can´t explain and understand. So we take pictures and I think sometimes they are just a try to explain the things we can´t explain with words. Thank you for this wonderful post!


  • Wieze

    Wow. Love your photos. They are great. I like to read your blog. You make it look so easy.


  • Rachel

    Somehow the pic makes me sad but really love it. I don’t travel a lot, but I love read travel stories and see travel photos. http://www.kleidmo.com/