FEED + Adobe

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Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

[F]or this year’s FEED holiday campaign they partnered with Adobe for an open call to the creative communities to come up with a unique concept over a seven-day challenge. The winning design would be chosen as the new campaign — talk about pressure!

The Challenge

There where three creative teams brought to the challenge. First they were briefed, then they got to work building their concepts, presented to a panel of judges (this is where I come in!) and a winner was chosen… but that was only the first half of the week! The winning team then had to produce the shoot and execute the final copy, layout design and retouched selects which ultimately make up the campaign you will begin to see online and in print magazines this December. All of this happened in a single week and all of it was captured on camera in a mini web series showing the true nature of the creative world and how teamwork, concepts, talent, branding and vision all to come life as ads and images we are surrounded with on a daily basis.

I had the amazing experience to participate as one of the judges in choosing which creative team had the best vision and message which in the end was Follow my Lead with a social media activation: #LeadFEED.

Each creative team presented between two and three concepts which were completely flushed out, from what the message was to how that would look digitally, in print and through social media activation. As a photographer, I found it fascinating to see the amount of thought and options that go into putting together a campaign. One team’s idea was visually more engaging to a photographer’s eye,  but another team’s concept hit a stronger emotional note. It was also interesting to see how each of the different judges reacted based on their own industry expertise.

In the end, we put it to a vote and a winner was chosen. You can see the entire process here! Below are some stills from the pitch episode with my fellow judges: Lauren Bush Lauren, Jean Batthany, Ariel Foxman, and Joel Giullian.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

The Campaign 

After the winning concept was chosen I thought my job was done… then Lauren asked me to actually be in the campaign which, as you might guess, is a really weird feeling for someone who is used to being behind the lens (aside from informal snapshots of my life I share here with you guys). I’ll admit I was a bit nervous. You never know what a photographer is going to do to you or if they see you differently than you see yourself. Luckily for me, FEED is all about authenticity and captured me in my city with the thing that is most important to my being- my camera.

I carried the FEED Daily bag which provides 50 school meals for children around the world which you can see below in the resulting campaign photo photographed by Gus & Lo in New York City’s west village. Also wearing shoes by Ralph Lauren (similar), boyfriend jeans by Polo Ralph Lauren, organic cotton sweater purchased on a recent trip to Amsterdam from Marc O’Polo, scarf by Mulberry, hat by Satya Twena, Portofino watch by IWC, and my trusty Canon 5D Mark III, 50mm lens and leather hand strap.

See all four final campaign shots here and perhaps you will recognize Caroline who makes frequent appearances here on the blog as she is not only one of my favorite New Yorkers but also personal muses.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED


FEED in My Own Life

I’ve been living with FEED products for a while now. Not only do they last but there is a pride to walking around with it and I especially love when someone asks me about it. When I see others carrying FEED bags or wearing a FEED shirt we always give each other a knowing and approving nod, like, I get that you get it and I get it too.

Below, in a FEED apron my friend Claire brought to me as a house warming gift to match my FEED oven mitt.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Above & Below- Carrying FEED’s Kenya Bag which provides 370 school meals for children in Kenya or enough meals to feed two children for an entire year. For me, this is my go-to farmer’s market bag because of the sturdy nature of the burlap design and the two strap lengths which give me options to carry when stuffed with all my market goodies.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

The FEED Suppers 

Every autumn FEED sets out with a goal of raising an unprecedented amount of meals in the fight to end world hunger. This past fall through friends, communities, companies, and families coming together and hosting FEED suppers, we raised over 2 million meals! I’m sure 2016 will be even better and I encourage you to consider hosting your own supper big or small and joining the #FEEDSUPPER movement which not only helps to make the world a better place but also brings together the people we love or communities we care about to make great shared memories.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Above and below, attending a FEED Super at Karen Mordechai’s Brooklyn studio where she hosts Sunday Suppers. Karen was also one of the creatives tapped to star in the holiday campaign.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Run 10 FEED 10

In partnership with Women’s Health, FEED hosts a 10K in cities across the United States called Run 10 Feed 10. Not only does your participation provide 10 meals for families in need across America but you can also opt in to fundraise with your participation as an easy way to become even more involved and create a greater impact.

This was my first ever 10K run. I must tell you, it was terrifying. Having just come off a two week trip through Europe & weekend in Nantucket my training, which was all over the place, didn’t leave me confident I could finish. Thanks to the support of my awesome, encouraging friends, not only did I finish but I never once stopped to walk. I can’t express the feeling of pride and accomplishment I had at that finish line moment which lasted for days!

…and no, it’s not only for women! Kevin, our friend Jared and Claire‘s husband Chris all ran in support of FEED.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Friends coming together. I think my favorite part of FEED is how it’s always bringing you together with people, connecting the happiness we are so lucky to have in our lives to the nature of caring about people who are not so fortunate. One of my favorite JFK quotes is:

One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.

I think sometimes we can feel lost in the sea or not powerful enough to matter especially when you look at the power of celebrity culture or compare yourself to people in different financial situations. I have found though through the purchasing of FEED products for myself or as gifts, in participating in FEED Suppers, and doing small but personal feats like Run 10 FEED 10 that I am doing my part, as small as it may be, to make a positive difference in the world.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

After surviving our first 10K, my awesome food author and blogging friend Gaby made the most amazing table for grazing for a post run party for all our friends with a bruschetta bar, crudité platter with hummus, cheeses and of course- her famous guacamole! And the best thing about running over 6 miles…. you can feel no gilt in eating ALL THE CHEESE.

Joining the fight against world hunger though the support of FEED

Thank you FEED for making me a part of your family. Special thanks to Adobe for having me participate as a judge and appear in FEED’s 2015 holiday campaign! 

Share you own #LeadFEED moment!