My New Year’s Resolutions

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I think this picture kind of sums up 2016. I haven’t spent much time reflecting back, only looking forward. Defining how I will shape 2017 and what I hope to achieve from it. My personal New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 I’m making public here to have a place I can come back to and remind myself of the goals. And you know, if you say it out load you’re more likely to accomplish it.


Above self-portrait inspired by Milio BURQUIN’s painting, La buveuse d’absinthe taken in my home in France in Rouje shirt with a traditional French Pastis in hand.


  1. Put stronger ideas, meaning and emotion into my photographs.
  2. Take fewer photographs to make more impactful ones.
  3. Study the light of Provence. Break it down into a scientific equation.
  4. Add the passage of time into my photographs through movements like in a symphony.
  5. Shoot more 4×5 film
  6. Make photographs more like paintings.
  7. Get a dog. IT’S TIME.
  8. Build a darkroom.
  9. Move to California.
  10. Work on empathy.
  11. Define the purpose of my photographs.
  12. Define myself and style as a photographer and apply it to everything, not just my personal work.
  13. Make commitments.
  14. Set new professional goals.
  15. Create one photography tutorial a week on social media to share my knowledge and continue to build a community over our shared passion.
  16. Create one film noir short on social media based around a 24 hour story once a week.
  17. Shoot more ballerinas.
  18. Shoot more flowers.
  19. Stop wasting. Wasting food, wasting money, wasting products.
  20. Live with less.
  21. Shoot more for others.
  22. Make a home.
  23. Save money for real vacations, not work vacations.
  24. Finish the new photography portfolio site.
  25. Finish the Cinemagraphs site.
  26. Create Cinemagraphs for art, not commerce.
  27. Do something good for my body’s health everyday through physical activity.
  28. Stop drinking all together.  Drink less 😉
  29. Find a way to create more romanticism in my work.
  30. Build the world I want to live in, not the one others want for me.
  31. Learn to be more comfortable sharing my life.

“If to live is to express the emotions of life, then to create art is to express the life of emotions.” -Edward Weston, Group f.64

  • I love your photography blog! I would be ecstatic if you would start building tutorials so that I could learn from you. Can’t wait to see what you get up to in 2017!

  • Love your resolutions! Move to California is also on my list! 🙂
    Happy 2017!

  • Serene

    Interesting list. It reminds me that someone’s online persona or social media presence isn’t the whole story of a person’s life. It would never have occurred to me that you would have some of these resolutions…..your life “looks” idyllic! But, we are all made of flesh and have similar struggles and longings that are independent of professional or financial success. Thanks for sharing these….it’s making me think of my own resolutions. Among them, meditate every day, be physically active every day, continue to “eliminate and concentrate” in areas of my life….eliminate the superfluous and unnecessary in my possessions as well as my thoughts and concentrate on my family and things in my life that keep my heart full. Oh! And more and more veggies!!! Cheers to you Jamie!

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    • I profited 104,000 thousand dollars in 2016 by working from my house a­n­d I manage to do it by wor­king part time f­o­r several hrs every day. I followed work model I came across online and I am happy that i made so much money. It’s really newbie friendly a­­n­­d I’m so happy that i discovered this. This is what i do…

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      I have earned 104,000 thousand dollars last year by working on-line from my house a­n­d I was able to do it by wo­rking part-time f­­o­­r several hours each day. I was following a money making model I came across online and I am so excited that i earned so much money. It’s so user-friendly and I am just so thankful that I found out about it. Here is what i do…


      I was paid $104,000 in last 12 months by doing an online job a­n­d I did that by wor­king part-time f­­o­­r several h daily. I was following work opportunity I stumbled upon from company that i found online and I am excited that i earned so much money on the side. It’s very newbie friendly a­­n­­d I’m just so blessed that I found out about this. Check out what I did…

    • I got paid 104 thousand bucks in last twelve months by freelancing from my house and I was able to do it by wo­rking part-time f­­o­­r 3 or sometimes more h each day. I followed a money making model I found online and I am excited that i earned so much money on the side. It’s very newbie friendly a­­n­­d I am just so thankful that i found it. Here is what i did…

    • I have made 104000 dollars in last twelve months by doing an on-line job at home a­n­d I did that by wor­king part time for several h /day. I’m using a business model I was introduced by this web-site i found on-line and I am so happy that i earned so much money. It’s newbie-friendly a­n­d I’m so happy that I found out about this. This is what i did…

    • I’ve made $104,000 in last twelve months by working from my home a­n­d I did it by wor­king part time f­o­r few h each day. I’m using an earning model I stumbled upon online and I am happy that i earned so much extra income. It’s newbie-friendly and I am just so happy that i found it. This is what i did…


      I’ve earned 104 thousand bucks previous year by working from my house a­­n­­d I did it by wo­rking in my own time f­­o­­r 3+ hrs a day. I followed a business opportunity I was introduced by this website i found on-line and I am so excited that I was able to earn such great money. It’s user friendly and I’m just so blessed that i discovered this. Here is what i did…


      I was paid $104k in 2016 by working from my home and I was able to do it by working in my own time f­­o­­r several hours /daily. I was following work opportunity I stumbled upon from this website i found online and I am so excited that i earned such great money. It’s really beginner-friendly a­n­d I’m so blessed that i learned about it. Check out what I did…

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  • sofia

    Love your NYE resolution list, very inspiring. I’m only worried if that you’ve grown tired of New York? I have always lived through my favorite city through you because you see that City like I do. Anyway you do whats best for you and I will always follow your inspirational steps. Much love, Sofia! 🙂 <3

  • Jamie, discovering your blog/instagram was a gift of inspiration to me this year. Have a happy new year and get the dog! They’re wondrous animals and make fun photo subjects. bisous x

  • I loved reading your resolutions Jamie. Looks like you’re got a whole new feeling of life and way of living coming into form. That’s very exciting. Thanks for sharing your art and point of view, it’s a continuous inspiration. I look forward to seeing what you create this year. Best wishes!

  • Pia Hocevar Mucic

    Wow your resolutions are amazing, hope you stick with them! Can’t wait for new content from you!
    Fash ‘n’ fudge
    Fash ‘n’ fudge

  • I don’t know what it is, but I find your resolutions and the way you have chosen to share them absolutley compelling, touching even. It’s much more than just one unknown, aspiring blogger being a fan of an immensely successful one. I share some of the same resolutions, maybe that’s all it is, maybe not. I’m rambling… But please, don’t move to California, I’ve been there and done that. I don’t think you’ll like it, not to live. And beautiful picture, so very beautiful.

  • Happy new year Jamie!! You’re such a huge inspiration to me!! I’m a fan of you work. Loved your resolutions and I’m trying to make my own too! Have a great year!!

  • Bex Montgomery

    Happy New Year Jamie! I’m still working on my resolutions list but moving back to New York is on my list and I’ve loved seeing it through your eyes but we all need new adventures and I’d enjoy seeing anywhere through your eyes. I’m glad to see you plan on doing more tutorials and those film noir stories. I adore them!! Your social media has become a bright spot in my day. Thank you for sharing with us. I know it’s not always easy for those of us who are creatives (and perfectionists) to put it all out there but you have inspired me to be more creative this year and to travel in 2017! So thank you for sharing your art and your life with us!

  • …love Maegan

    I love your film noir shorts on snap <3

  • I love how many of these goals are photography related. Good luck!

  • I simply adore you & want to take all of your goals as my own…well really only 16 of them! 😉 Happy New Year! xo, Dana

  • Ally Lopez

    Yes to #15 and #16! You are a fresh breath of inspiration when it comes to photography! Please keep sharing.

  • Bridget Duncan

    I am not a photographer but I really like:
    19. Stop wasting. Wasting food, wasting money, wasting products.
    20. Live with less.
    Definitely an area I want to work towards.

  • Beautiful and thoughtful list. I could certainly learn and apply some of those myself. As a newly starting photographer, I look forward to #15. I already admire and am inspired by your work.

  • I love how your latest self-portraits are painting-inspired. Reminds me of the ineffable Cindy Sherman.

  • Annie

    I’ve been following you since your tumblr days, From me to You! I’ve absolutely loved every photo you’ve taken in Provence and love getting to see France through your eyes and would of course love to see California too! Good luck on your resolutions for this year! I go back and forth with my husband on wanting a puppy in NYC but if you get one I just may have to as well…

  • Joseph Jackson

    Great post, follow my site on

  • Ok.. love you but 28 is not necessary, and I FULLY SUPPORT number 7..


    I profited $104,000 last year by freelancing from my house a­n­d I was able to do it by w­orking part time for few hours on daily basis. I followed a money making model I was introduced by this web-site i found online and I am so excited that i was able to make so much extra income. It’s so user friendly and I’m so happy that i discovered this. Here’s what I did…