The Golden Plumes of 1932

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[G]abrielle Chanel believed jewelry had the power to transform oneself and to escape. When looking at these delicate 18K gold feathered pieces by CHANEL remade from her 1932 collection, I thought about those two words: Transform & Escape.

I thought about transforming oneself with our masks into good or evil, into the lightness or darkness, or escaping who we are in our day to day lives with jewelry being the stage we write our script to. Dancers have to be one of the most accomplished groups of people in the art of transforming and taking on roles. While in Paris I met one such dancer, Claire Camille, and wanted to bring this delicate collection of golden plumes, as imagined by Coco, to life and transform into characters so delicate you could imagine they’d simply float away together

Float away together I thought… I love the idea of escaping through jewelry. I have this beautiful gold globe designed by Monica Rich Kosann which I adore. When I wear this piece I escape on a million adventures around the world, discovering beauty beyond imagination and expanding on what limited time my eyes have left to see.

You can easily see how we define ourselves, where jewelry can take our imagination, something LoveGold showcases better than anyone. What does the jewelry you wear transform about you? When you truly want to escape, what pieces do you put on? Do you, too, play characters in the theater of life? On this early autumn day in Paris, here is where we drifted off to like a feather endlessly floating in golden light….



Earrings // Necklace // Bracelets // Ring



The Golden Plumes of 1932 modeled by dancer Claire Camille Galtier for LoveGold // All Jewelry provided by CHANEL // Makeup by Thora Danielsdottir // Hair by Christophe Pastel

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  • Danielle Louise

    Beautiful shots, very Swan Lake. I love the movement!

  • Simply stunning, Jamie!

  • Elizabeth Padilla

    Superb Work! so fine, and glamurous. The cinemagraph, is so interesting and elegant. congrats Jamie!!

  • Ina Nuvo

    stunning! another piece of art to add to your collection!


    Ina Nuvo – Blogger from Vienna