New Things I’m Loving This Fall

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Fall always brings change for me, maybe it’s because as children we are conditioned to start anew each autumn. Either way, I love trying new routines, finding wardrobe classics to add in the mix and looking for ways to improve home life because the colder it gets outside the more I want to stay in.

The Bag

New obsessions for fall

After simplifying my wardrobe I finally found the new “IT” bag for me, “IT” because “IT” literally goes with everything- PAULE KA‘s Trapeze bag. I was first introduced to the brand on a trip to Paris a few years back and had to bring it back to New York with me… and then they made my all time favorite little black dress. So I’m a fan.  When they came out with the super limited edition Trapeze bag this fall it was everything I love- simplicity, quality, small production, versatility, and monogramming. And because they are only making 19 for each PAULE KA store {Paris, London, Brussels & New York)} you don’t have to worry about everyone having it.

ps- I’m also into jeans now- the above pair is my favorite dressed up or down or in the country.

New obsessions for fall


The Bedding

New obsessions for fall

It was time to put away the white summer linens and get some new fall bedding basics using an alpaca plaid blanket I purchased on a trip through Patagonia as cozy inspiration. I like keeping things pretty simple and I found a new California based company called Parachute that makes crazy high quality bedding with artisans from Tuscany but sell direct to you so without the high retail markup. And they try to do good in the world. 

And they make me wish every day was Saturday.

New obsessions for fall

The Meal Plan

New obsessions for fall

On average I work between 10- 12 hours a day at the studio and by the time I’m finished I’m either mentally or physically exhausted, many times both of those things. So the last thing I want to do is add a couple more hours of work figuring out what to cook, going to the market, executing it and then cleaning it up. So we ate out A LOT the past couple of years. Then one day I was reading Claire & Erica’s 10 things newsletter for Of A Kind and they mentioned a company called Sweet Roots. Game changer. Each week they email us a menu, we choose what meals we want, they deliver all the ingredients with super simple instructions on how to make it {see above} and boom- dinner is done {see below}. Not one of them has taken me over 20mins from start to finish. Of course there are other companies out there doing this but Sweet Roots can tailor to complicated diets and they are farm to table with organic ingredients.


We also have a joke that I love anything with the world sweet in its name because I’m also obsessed with this place.

New obsessions for fall

  • Dana Rose

    Serious wardrobe inspo in that first picture!
    Thanks for sharing – certainly have to check out Sweet Roots – I like how the herbs are in small portions because I get sad when I buy a bunch and they go to waste.

    P.S. That was me the other day that came up to you and Kevin at lunch. I know you both have a busy schedule but it was a good opportunity to break out of my shell and talk to people I don’t know personally for my project. Little by little it’s getting easier 🙂

  • Even though I’m not a fan of light-colored bedding, this color pallet looks awesome to me, and very cozy. By the way, the photo of you, hiding behind a blanket, is crazy cute! 🙂

  • Love how you share you’re go to items!

  • Melanie Pogson

    Thanks for sharing, Jamie 🙂

  • I’ve wanted to try Parachute’s bedding! Do you have the percale or sateen version?

  • I’ve recently been using Blue Apron for meals at home too, they’re simple, easy to make and delicious, but I may have to try Sweet Roots too! Also, that bag is everything! The bed reminds me of one of your photographs where you’re swimming in Ralph Lauren bedsheets, still just as dreamy! <3

  • theglamourai

    Ah! I’m looking for new bedding for fall too. You KNOW I love my Matteo, but those dreamy linens just aren’t feeling heavy enough as the weather cools off…


  • this a great post for anyone looking for a complete solution for shopping such a thing. new bedding give new fresh feelings too.