Provence in Polaroid

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Provence Polaroid film.

[E]verything in Provence touches your skin. The leaves of a rose bush may brush against your arm as you walk through a field. The light in the morning rakes angularly though a room illuminating your face. “Bonjour” the day says. The oil from the olives stick to your fingers, which I always enjoy rubbing into my hands like lotion. Wine inevitably presses againt your lips filling you with the energy of the vine, of life, that surrounds you in this sacred place. The air kisses your cheeks while you lay on a blanket under the dappled afternoon sun. Everything, though seemingly still, is alive here if you just slow down to feel it…

A collection of vintage SX-70 Polaroids of our moments spent in Provence 

Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film. Provence Polaroid film.

  • Lovely photos. I adore Polaroids. 🙂

  • Pia Hocevar Mucic

    this picks are amazing, love the romantic vibe!
    Fash ‘n’ fudge
    Fash ‘n’ fudge

  • these are just gorgeous <3

  • Gorgeous photos! I shoot on instant film, too! It’s so fun. It’s the only camera I take with me on vacations. I use the fujufilm instax wide camera. This new polaroid camera looks very interesting, too, though, with all of the mobile features. Thanks for sharing!

  • sofia

    Lovely as usual!

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  • Gorgeous photos, as always. Even using a retro camera. Feel like I’m back in 90’s.