Snapshots from Provence

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Snapshots from Provence in the South of FranceSnapshots from Provence in the South of France

Provence is a country to which I am always returning, next week, next year, any day now, as soon as I can get on a train.

Snapshots from Provence in the South of France

Favorite eats:

La Bastide de Marie

Le Garage à LumièresLe Mas Tourteron

Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of FranceSnapshots from Provence in the South of FranceSnapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France

Below, paying a visit to my friend and artist Jean Pierre Soulhat‘s studio in Caseneuve to see what mosaic creations he has been at work on recently… 

Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France  Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France Snapshots from Provence in the South of France

More stories from Provence…

A Picnic in Provence || La Bastide de Marie || A Chateau in France || Provence in Polaroid || A Provence Playlist || Beyond Lacoste || La Residence || Lacoste, France || SCAD Lacoste || Fashion Design in Lacoste || Herbs de Provence Roast Chicken

  • There’s so much romance and beauty in the simplicity of the cobblestone roads and the charming architecture… a hundred scenes from films come to mind when looking through these photos!

    It’s so apparent how at home you felt in Provence…
    Not sure exactly why, but I feel like your next trip should be to one along the Italian countryside! <3

  • I know these pathways so well. I go to Provence twice per year, and lately only in the fall and winter. In the fall everything changes, and it’s just as miraculously beautiful. It’s also truffle season in winter… 😉 So if you ever find yourself there, there’s a truffle hunting tour at Les Pastras that is beyond excellent:

    I had never heard of Jean Pierre Soalhat, but I LOVE mosaics of all kinds – ancient and modern. Thank you for sharing these incredible snapshots!

  • Mark

    I think you’d be hard pressed to find a more beautiful outdoor space to dine at than under the trees at Mas Tourteron. Beautiful post. Thanks.

  • sigh, so beautiful & dreamy & romantic…

  • What a beautiful place. Lovely photos.

  • Jamie

    I love seeing through your eyes. Your attention to detail, lighting, and things that are pleasant to the senses are never wasted but are brought to life in your photos.

  • Gorgeous and inspirational photo series! I love the sense of weather, for example the way the sun is shining but your dress and hair is gently gusting in the wind. I enjoyed the food shots too, remarkably captured! 🙂 xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  • One of the most magical regions of France. Even the Romans, who conquered everywhere, of course, considered it a special place.

    We stayed in Gordes when we went, and took day-trips from there all around, to Roussillon, to Fontaine-de-Vaucluse (where we followed Petrarch’s paths), to Aix, Avignon, Arles, etc. Ah, now you have me dreaming!

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  • Excuse me while I put my eyeballs back in my head, and take my jaw off the ground….